Juan Antonio Córdoba
Tax Advisor
Juan Córdoba began his professional career in 1985, developing his activity in Cádiz as head of the tax area within a professional firm dedicated to advising companies.
In 1999 he set up his own tax consultancy with a professional office in Cádiz and became a member of the Professional Association of Economists of Cádiz.
After several years of activity, with the collaboration of professionals dedicated to legal and labour consultancy, he co-founded ATRIUN ASESORES in 2002, specialising in comprehensive business consultancy, managing the tax, accounting and economic areas of property management.
In the development of his extensive professional activity he has advised different areas within the economic framework, highlighting the real estate, professional associations, SMEs and liberal professionals of all branches.

Diego Zamorano Laguna
Lawyer / Property Administrator
Diego Zamorano has been a member of the Illustrious College of Lawyers of Cádiz since 1993 and of the Illustrious College of Lawyers of Seville since 1995.
His professional career began as a legal advisor to companies in several consultancies in Cádiz and as a lawyer with a professional office in Seville. Subsequently, in 2002 he co-founded ATRIUN ASESORES, focusing his main professional activity in this office.
He has an outstanding position in the ranking of EMÉRITA LEGAL, a renowned website that ranks legal professionals according to their skills with objective criteria.
Diego Zamorano is listed as the 1st in the province of Cadiz in the field of Horizontal Property with almost 30 years of successful professional career.
In his professional practice he has extensive experience in the field of civil liability, real estate law in all its aspects as well as in advising companies. Diego Zamorano Laguna is a member of the Spanish association of lawyers specialising in civil liability and insurance, as well as a member of the Spanish Association of Lawyers specialising in civil liability and insurance:
- Expert in town planning and real estate development
- Chartered Property Administrator
- Chartered Accountant
- Insolvency administrator
- Teacher in the area of law, accredited by the Ministry of the Interior.

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